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All Hands In

Group Materials

Join an Eco Together group to act on your concern about the environment.


ONEHow to join Eco Together:


  • Start your own group as a first host (view the first host tab for tips and helpful resources)

  • Join an existing group - write to us using the contact form below, and we will try to find a group for you

  • Register as a new participant (it is anonymous but knowing the socio-demographics of who takes part helps us adapt and extend the programme)

  • Join our community - sign up for our newsletter - tick the box in the contact form below


TWO: Here are the materials you will need during the sessions


1. Information Pack with pre-reading for each of the 5 sessions, themed on energy, transport, food and resources






2. Activity Sheets to guide each session: complete these before each session




3. Resource List with local (Bath) resources plus links to national initiatives




THREE: Once you have completed Eco Together:


Please complete our participant feedback form. Your comments and suggestions help us apply for much needed funding. Thank you.

Contact us by email if you would like an e-certificate to recognise your commitment.

Please continue your eco-journey by volunteering with Transition Bath or other eco-groups in your area, they always need volunteers. 


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