First Hosts make Eco Together happen, involving more of the 75% of people who are worried about the climate but who may otherwise not be involved in organised eco-activity.
How to become First Host? Find 5-10 people to join your group, register with Eco Together (in the contact form below), and organise the first meeting!
What do First Hosts do? Bring the group together, run the first session and feedback on the group's progress. We have an informal network of First Hosts to support each other and strengthen the environmental voice in your area, sharing local issues that might not otherwise reach people. Watch the first host orientation video here.
Who can be a First Host? Anyone! First Hosts don't need any particular skills or knowledge, or even to be particularly "eco". The First Host is deliberately intended to NOT be the “chair” or “leader” of the group, and could be more described as “convening” – bringing together the group.
Who can be in your group? Anyone, for example:
Neighbours: Eco Together is a great way to get to know your neighbours, tackling social isolation and strengthening local support networks. Simply put flyers through letterboxes or promote through local social media. The First Host Notes below provides template promotional materials and guidance and you can also download an editable flyer or presentation to use in your area.
Friends, colleagues or anyone else: Eco Together is enjoyable and meaningful way to spend time with people you already know. Organisations who have a climate commitment can also run it with their members or staff - it is a great way to strengthen existing groups.
​Is there support? Yes! Our volunteer team is happy to help however we can, contact us using the details below and review our materials and guide.
Materials needed for yourself and group members:
1. Information Pack with pre-reading for each of the 5 sessions, themed on energy, transport, food and resources
2. Activity Sheets to guide each session: complete these before each session
3. Resource List with local (Bath) resources plus links to national initiatives
Group members and First Hosts are encouraged to participate twice - once with neighbours and once with friends. This creates neighbourhood-based groups across a large geographic area, expanding environmental action into new communities and getting different people involved.
You can download First Host Guide here
Download an editable poster/ letterbox flyer for your group